TRYOUTS (15-16-17-18) Sunday August 18th & 25th;
NEXT STEPS after team selection: 1) Email confirmation and/or Sign commitment letter and send $400 deposit to hold spot. 2) Renew WEVA membership 3) Attendance parent meeting (date coming soon.)
1st PRACTICES (15-16-17-18) begin 11/14
1st PRACTICES (13-14) begin 11/15 At these levels we train numerous rosters and teams will be fluid as players gain experience. No cuts.
1st PRACTICES (12 & under) begin 11/17 Contact 12s head coach John O'Dell for more information.
1) All teams: For insurance purposes, in order to try out or attend a practice, players need a current Western Empire Volleyball Association (WEVA) membership. Players new to club volleyball need to purchase a tryout membership ($15) prior to tryouts. If a player makes a team (15-16-17-18) or decides to commit for the season (12-13-14), that tryout membership fee will be applied to a full membership cost.
2) Complete (click here) pre-registration google form
3) Bring a completed USAV Medical Release Form.
4) by November 1st: All 15-16-17-18 black and blue teams plus 12 black & 14 black also need to purchase AAU memberships as our schedule includes both AAU and USAV sanctioned tournaments. If during the registration process, AAU does not prompt you to add a club code, (Rochester Volleyball Club) once you've purchased the membership, go back and edit the membership to include club code. W3FTW5
15-16-17-18 Registration Fee $1400. Tournament costs and practice fees will be invoiced bi-monthly. Tournament costs vary per event but the team is responsible for sharing the cost of registration, [partial cost} of staff travel/accommodations, snacks, etc. Tournament fees are approximately $45 for a one day event, $150-$250 for a multi-day out of town event. Practice fees are $60 November and $120/month beginning in December. Registration fees include 2 jerseys and 2 pairs of shorts (one pair of black, one pair of Slunks shorts) Teams will have the option of also purchasing a third jersey and warm-up shirts.
13-14 Registration Fee $1100 due 2nd weekend of practice; plus tournament costs and practice fees. Practice fees are $60 November and $120/month beginning in December (invoiced monthly) Registration fee includes two jerseys and one pair of black shorts. Players on the travel teams will also have the option of purchasing a third jersey, warm-up shirt, and Slunks shorts.
12 Green/Grey: Registration Fee $500 due 2nd weekend of practice plus practice fees (one day per week) $60/month starting in December ($30 for November) & tournament costs invoiced monthly. Registration fee includes two jerseys and one pair of shorts.
12 Black/12 Blue Registration Fee $500 due 2nd weekend of practice plus practice fees (two days per week) $120/month starting in December ($60 for November) & tournament costs (invoiced monthly) Registration fee includes two jerseys and one pair of shorts (black). Players on the travel teams will also have the option of purchasing a third jersey, warm-up shirt, and Slunks shorts.